Adam Stewart, Math Teacher

"My name is Adam Stewart, and I have taught high school math for seven years. In 2015, I helped open New Legacy Charter School—a school for pregnant and parenting teens. I love working with teen parents; they are often the most mature, selfless, and motivated students. One student, in particular, took a two-hour bus ride with her two kids every day to finish her education. Many days are challenging, but it brings me great joy to hear from former students about how much their education has impacted their lives. I am very passionate about teaching math to the parenting population—I believe a strong math background opens doors to meaningful and high-paying jobs so students can support their families. Teens also become equipped to make wise financial decisions and save for what they need."

"Last year, I transitioned to the Girls Athletic Leadership School (GALS)—an all-girls school focused on learning through movement and creating leaders for tomorrow. I am excited to see so many young women going into engineering and higher-level mathematics—fields that are so heavily male-dominated. At GALS, I have an opportunity to teach new and unique classes, like interview skills and juggling.""The greatest part of my career is the portion wherein I get the opportunity to assist and help others. Our partnerships with industry associations and vendors have provided me the opportunity to plan and present helpful health and safety information and training on a larger scale than I ever imagined. Through the many great relationships I’ve had the pleasure of forming with so many great experts, we get to affect change in a real and positive way. Through intentional thinking and strategic planning, we aim to set a new standard for mental health awareness and resources that will positively impact more and more people and the circle of loved ones they hold dear. I consider it a true blessing that I get to be a part of such a genuine and helpful community of folks."