A woman smiling sitting cross-legged on the floor

Daneen Farrall, Yoga Teacher

"I spent over half of my life hating my body, treating it as if it were something separate from me rather than me being a whole person. For much of my young life, I struggled with disordered eating. It wasn't until I became pregnant and then a mother that I began to appreciate my body. While I valued its ability to create and nurture another life, I was still suspicious of my ‘baby weight’ and struggled to really nourish myself.”

“When my youngest child was in preschool, I was almost 40 years old and still struggling with my body image. In an effort to find a new way to exercise, I went to my first yoga class. I was hooked with my first deep breath. While I went looking for a workout I found, instead, a ‘work in.’ On my mat, I found a deeper connection to my body through the marriage of breath and movement. Within three years of beginning a yoga practice, I became a 200-hour certified Yoga Teacher. I loved sharing the practice with students and seeing the positive impact of yoga in their daily lives.”

“When the pandemic hit, like so many yoga studios, the studio I taught at closed indefinitely. I searched for different ways to connect with yoga and the yoga community outside the walls of a studio. I became involved with Eat Breathe Thrive™ as a Social Media volunteer in the summer of 2021. I was grateful for a chance to give back to an organization that combined my two passions, yoga and Eating Disorder recovery. This year I've grown my involvement to being an Eat Breathe Thrive Facilitator. Sharing the psychoeducation and very real yoga and mindfulness techniques with people who have struggled to love and care for themselves to bring them hope and healing is a true honor. I'm grateful every day to be a part of such an amazing organization that is making a real difference for individuals struggling with disordered eating across the globe.”