Woman standing leaning on a pogo stick

Danielle Ennis, Girls Athletic Leadership School (GALS)

"My name is Danielle Ennis and I'm a seventh-grade language arts teacher and the athletic director. This is my fifth year at GALS. I always think about when I first walked into GALS. I'd been subbing at a bunch of different schools and kind of bouncing around different jobs, trying to figure out what I wanted to do. And I remember leaving after a day of subbing here and reflecting on how this feels like home. I felt like I could play all the time throughout the day with the kids. I could be creative. I felt that there was this sense of palpable joy we wanted our kids to have, and wanted the kids to have with their teachers."

"I feel like when I come to school, no matter what's happening in my personal life, I can end the day with something positive that I got to talk about with the kids. They make such an impact on me and I feel like we can make such an impact on them. And sometimes that comes in the form of language arts, but I also get to have this whole athletic and movement side. We get to become completely lost in the flow of trying something new, learning a new sport, growing at something. And that's powerful and meaningful to me."

The Girls Athletic Leadership School building in Denver, Colorado