Diana Jaramillo, Senior Professional Research Assistant

Diana is a professional research assistant at the Center for Health, Work & Environment. She currently supports the research conducted in Guatemala investigating chronic kidney disease among sugarcane workers.

"On a personal note, the meaning I find in my work is interwoven with my identity as a Latina. Being able to work with a community that I belong to is important; as an immigrant, I came here really not knowing who I was, where I belonged. I've been able to take the education, opportunities, and growth I've gained here in the states and apply them in a community that I love. It keeps me motivated. I fell in love with occupational health. I fell in love with the team that we have. I do feel a sense of homecoming when I go back to Latin America, working in my own language, and knowing that I belong there. Knowing that what we're doing—even if it's little or big—has a considerable impact on the lives of those workers. It's beautiful to see."