A man stacking boxes of peaches

Gus, Rancho Durazno

“My name's Gus. I manage the packing shed at Rancho Durazno and make sure that everything coming in is good and then everything going out goes to the right place. This is my fourth season.”

“I wanted to farm and on the front range there wasn't the opportunity, but there is out here in Palisade, CO. I got into farming in college when I took environmental science classes. I learned that farming can be regenerative when it's done properly. That’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to do something that would matter, that would help rather than harm the earth.”

“Growing food is very satisfying. You see it from beginning to end and you know exactly what went into it. You can look at a peach and say, wow, I know all the work that went into this and here it is to enjoy. It tastes sweeter somehow.”