A woman sitting outside at a picnic table smiling

Lindsay Mauer, City of Grand Junction

"My name is Lindsay Mauer and I'm the wellness coordinator at the City of Grand Junction. I've worked here since January 2021. For me, every day here is different. I might hit up the police department for a few hours. We're currently working on a wristband to monitor the stress and sleep of our nighttime patrol officers. Then I might head to my office for a few hours, then over to our utilities department to chat health and safety, then hop online to talk about healthy heart, happy home, which is a program about healthy cooking for families. My days are all over the place. It's the life of the city wellness coordinator."

"What I find most meaningful in this job is getting to touch the lives of so many different people and their families. I try to be a sort of light holder for people, holding space for them so that they can find their journey to well-being. I'm their cheerleader and their friend—I get to be here for them."