Lindsay Kujawa Barr, Arts-Based Researcher/Dramaturg

"Ever since I was a young person I’ve been obsessed with finding the logic in why people make choices and hold a particular set of values, especially in regards to politics. This curiosity has only grown over the last decade as I spend more and more time away from my conservative, rural hometown, currently splitting my time between two very liberal, large cities—Seattle and New York City. During this time, I’ve seen how influential place and community are to shaping a person's experience."

"Currently, my research focuses on the impact of equity, inclusion, and diversity in non-metropolitan communities. Now more than ever, local news is making national headlines and we look to national solutions to solve hyper-localized problems. This, I believe, is the driving force behind increasing polarization. Instead of addressing issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion using a national model, we must develop policy that reflects the unique makeup and challenges of a specific community."

"As an arts-based researcher, I make meaning of data through art. Right now, this looks like theatrical and art installations that engage communities in change-making conversations that inspire action. Long term, I anticipate my research turning into a protocol or system that helps educators and community art makers create curriculum and programming based on community-framed definitions of equity, diversity, and inclusion. In doing so, we can start to truly listen to one another and create communities that celebrate and include all voices, rather than operating from a place of scarcity, fear, and hate."