A woman lying on the ground with another woman supporting her head

Melanie Taylor, Life of Wellness Institute

“Over the last 32 years, I have dedicated my life to being a person who cares for others and helps to make our world a better place. Early in my career, that meant being a highly active volunteer in my ‘spare time.’ Until I finally realized and accepted that I wanted to focus my efforts solely on supporting the human experience. That day I permitted myself to take a giant leap toward transforming what it means to live with stress, trauma, PTSD, disrupted body image and eating disorders. Since fully stepping into fulfilling my dream, I have worked as a Yoga Therapist and Trauma-Informed Body Positive ViniYoga Teacher Trainer, ultimately leading to my founding of the Life of Wellness Institute and becoming the Director of Education at Eat Breathe Thrive™.”

“Each day, whether I am working behind the scenes, in a classroom with students, or taking time for family, self-care and balance, I get to be a witness to people reclaiming their wellness, reconnecting with their authentic selves, supporting themselves through these human experiences and finding the resilience and self-compassion to embody their lives fully. There are days when my vision feels overwhelming, pushing me past my limits where I am reminded of my own human need for balance and wellness. This is when you will find me with my family, spending time with friends, hiking in the Rocky Mountains or peacefully enjoying the quiet and warmth of a campfire before a restful night’s sleep in my camper.”

“Mostly my days are filled with awe as I witness our human ability not only to recover but to empower our inner strength and fuel our ability to thrive! No matter what my day holds, the not-so-fun parts like admin and accounting, or the moments with my students where everything seems to flow with the greatest of ease, I am pulled one step closer to realizing my vision. I am also profoundly reminded that I’m not alone in my efforts toward a world where we see ourselves for the uniquely beautiful expressions of the human experience we are. I work beside many beacons of self-compassion and resilience working to make this difference, and I am honoured.”