Man in construction uniform driving a road paver

Mondo Delgado, Jr., Denver Public Works

“My name is Mondo Delgado, Jr. I'm a heavy equipment operator for street maintenance. I've been at Denver Public Works for four years. My main task is the roller, but the paver is like my first love. You take control of everything. You have to make sure that the width is right, that the trucks are all in line… The paver operator makes all the wing laborers a lot easier because if you have a bad paver, man, the laborers have a lot of work to do. And communication is key. Asphalt is hot. And then you put a hot day on top of that. It's going to be a lot of headaches and a lot of drama if people don't work together.”

“My dad actually started at wastewater and he said, come to the city. It'd be a great opening. So I started at parks and rec, but it was hard to get a permanent job. Then I found street maintenance and took it. And I’ve loved it ever since. My favorite thing about it is how active I get to be.”

“I'm also a full-time father. I have two kids—an eight-year-old and a six-month-old. Aside from that, I like to play semi-pro football.”

A man in a construction uniform giving a thumbs up to another man driving a road paver