Saryn Mooney, Software Engineer

"I never once imagined myself in this field (as I got my degree in psychology), and up until a few years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you what a software engineer does. Sadly, as a female, I was never really told about this field or encouraged to give it a try. And I certainly didn't believe I was smart enough to do it. I had been working in the tennis world, and due to a desire for something new, I took a huge leap of faith, and I did the backend engineering program at the Turing School of Software & Design. It's an amazing program, and they're working hard to provide opportunities in tech to the traditionally underrepresented groups.“

"I think a lot of progress has been made when it comes to diversifying the tech industry, but I also think we can do better. I want to be a part of those efforts, and by sharing my own journey, I hope it will help others to (1) learn about the field as a whole, and (2) see themselves as capable individuals that bring so much to the table. As an industry, we are far better off if we have diversity amongst us. It allows for better products to be built that are ultimately more relevant and more accessible to people!"