A woman sitting at her computer desk smiling

Trish Stiles, Town of Bennett

"I always say we're one big family. That's hugely important to me. We used to be scattered in so many different places and facilities, but once we all got under one roof, it helped to bring everyone together.”

“I've been here 10 years. I started as the town treasurer—I have a public administration background and received my MBA at CU Denver. After school, I went to work in Illinois and then we moved to Florida. My husband was doing a professional internship through Disney sports and I worked for one of the municipalities down there. But then Matt lost his job. That was a blow. And we had just had Jack, our little boy. So we were like, ‘Okay, what do we do?’”

“I'm originally from Colorado so I decided to come back and I found this job here in Bennett. It was a small staff. I've have worked in large cities and small cities and I love small cities because again, I like that family feeling. I was the town treasurer for three years and then my predecessor ended up leaving; I became the interim town administrator and did that for six months and then I ended up actually getting the job permanently.”

“For those first few years, it was just exciting that Bennett had so much opportunity. There was a lot that I would do and could do; everything from bringing in new financial systems and processes to building parks. And I'm the crazy lady that we open a park and cut the ribbon, I'm just sobbing on the side. The same thing when we opened up our wastewater treatment plant—I'm like, ‘Oh my God, this is amazing.’ It's like, Trish, it's wastewater. This is raw sewage. But I'm like, ‘It's fascinating!’ I just love the work that we get to do." — Trish Stiles, Town Administrator at Town of Bennett